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The School Climate Strikes: What Does the Research Say?
Children of the Revolution EE18 EP7 (Part 1 - School Climate Strikes)
We Attended Another School Strike 4 Climate and This Is What Students Had to Say
Explained: The five national goals of the School Strike 4 Climate | AM
School Strike For Climate Action #ClimateStrike
Climate strikes inspired by Greta Thunberg are on the rise. | OCC News
Australian students strike for climate action ahead of national election
Climate Change: It’s not the Facts, It’s the People | Kaylee Shen | TEDxOlympiaHighSchool
RISE: The school students leading New Zealand's climate strikes | The Spinoff
How Greta Thunberg Ignited Climate Strikes Around the World | One Small Step
Climate Strikes Webinar: Going Big
#Teach4ThePlanet: Students and Teachers Confront the Climate Crisis